This is a watercolour although Cyril used many different mediums for his work.
With all the lovely blooms at The Chelsea Flower we were prompted to highlight Cyril's love of flowers and his garden.
It was always an absolute riot of colour and variety, full of charm and personality. Lazy summer days were spent picnicking under the many fruit trees he loved too and which provided subjects for some of his still life work.
He greatly enjoyed his garden which provided a place to sketch, paint and photograph and provided some magnificent colourful inspiration. He was often to be found with magnifying glass in hand studying the details of many of his blooms. He especially loved the centre of the forget-me-not, which when under the glass, reveal their astonishing patterns.
Gardens have become so popular with all the flower shows and offers of bulbs and plants from magazines at affordable prices and well stocked garden centres these days. Many years ago Cyril's garden was much admired for its rarity value as well as it incredible beauty. There were always runner beans stringing their way amongst the blooms too.
Cut flowers were always in his house and he loved painting them as seen here in this glass vase. Never a purist he often mixed them all up creating his individual style.
Flowers provided the inspiration for his popular floral balloons picture. Selected at one of the Royal Academy Summer Shows, this has been a firm favourite with fans.
If his love of art didn't take up most of the waking day I am sure he would have made a wonderful gardener.