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“I was always fond of Cyril due, not only for his creative ideas encompassed within the work he was carrying out in the refurbishment of furniture design in the early 1970’s, but also for Cyril’s profound interest in new ideas, and the furtherance of youngsters becoming involved in the creative elements. I believe that we had a bond simply because we were both encompassed within the confines of creation, appertaining to our separate professions. Music and design go hand in hand. Our shared interest was (and still is) the wonderful master paintings, and I was so excited to see a photograph of a master that Cyril housed in his loft at home. To this day, I still believe that the artist was Vermeer, but I never had the chance unfortunately, to view this masterpiece in person. Meeting Cyril was a wonderful experience, and I wish him good health and happiness, with many more years to come.””
“I love Cyril Parfitt’s work. Problem solvers see the world from a different aspect than others do. I enjoy Cyril’s world: paint and sculpture, mathematics and solutions. His vision is his work. How beautiful must be his mind that at 96, he inhabits it still with pleasure and wonderment, satisfaction and expertise. Salutations and good fortune Cyril!”
“It is such a pleasure to honor Cyril this way!...I wish I could have sat with him many hours just to chat! I feel like I know him!!...I think tea would go something like this:
Sitting in an English garden with the sunshine that is prolific, magnificently talented, and most friendly, Artist Cyril Parfitt. The first thing I notice is the warm harborside sun giving Cyril’s stoic and thoughtful face a soft shape with stark shadows. He breaks into a slow smile as I extend my hand while wondering what lush landscapes flourish inside his genius brainforest.
I see we have become instant friends! We acknowledge that our birthdays are a day apart and that it is understandable that we both are branded by the eccentricity that colors most Aquarians, and at that we both break out into hearty laughter.
I look at Cyril and I take in his gentle demeanor. We chat about the best art materials to use and which are our most favorite. At age 97, Cyril has been incredibly prolific and has created ART/images in many styles. His images are magnificently detailed, quirky, exquisitely surreal and most beautiful. I am left with the impression that deep inside this man’s soul is a gigantic treasure chest overflowing with amazing and mystical images, not static but like a gushing waterfall of balloons,flowers,sacred geometry,epaulets, space, enchanted landscapes!! Gazing at this treasure-trove of pleasure I witness a familiar geyser of imagery. Some of it could be my own! I sense a soulmate sitting before me sipping a frail cup of steaming tea with a half-smile. I really like this guy and feel a flourishing friendship with Cyril. Suddenly, his beautiful daughter Linda appears offering a tray of treats. From the way he looks at her and smiles, it is easy to see that he adores her...What a beautiful time it would be to sit together, the three of us, and discuss the magical power of creativity and beauty and subtle humor echoed in his art!...I love the ART of this man whose soul is seemingly easily reflected in it. Yes I am a fan of the man and his creative process. I hope I can help to be instrumental in presenting an exhibition of this worthy man’s artwork! I marvel that the images he has created are not tainted by the modern tools of photo-shop, but are created raw and fresh by Cyril’s very skilled hands...As the shadows start to lengthen I stand up to bid my farewell, Cyril and I raise the palms of our hands and...SLAAAAPPPP! ...”High Five Major Dude,Cyril”!! You are admired and loved as a person and you live on through your daughter and your wonderwall of myriad ART! It is a pleasure and an honor to meet you sir!!””
“The work of Cyril Parfitt was introduced to me by a family member many years ago. Although I have long been a lover of fantasy art, I am not a fanatical collector: Cyril is one of only two artists ever to appear on my study walls (the other being Rodney Matthews). He has a unique vision and a gift for magical landscape that grabs your attention and doesn’t let go. I don’t doubt that it would be possible to construct an entire novel on at least one of Cyril’s pieces: instant inspiration!”
“Cyril Parfitt was an amazing artist going well into his 90’s whose continuous creativity knew no limits!”
“I have always admired those who are able to create their own unique worlds (from Salvador Dali to Disney, and even the creator of ‘The Muppets’).
Cyril Parfitt was one of those unique minds who, through his artwork,, created wonderful fantasy landscape images,scenes featuring hot air balloons, and you can tell, when studying all of his brilliant work, that he certainly saw the World from a truly magical place.
I was first made aware of Cyril’s work by his daughter Linda, and I have remained a major fan of his enchanting artwork ever since!”
“This website is a fantastic tribute to such an illustrious artist, bringing Cyril back to public attention and I hope that it serves to show more and more people his amazing artwork as time goes on.”
“This kind of fine art is not seen often. We hope Mr Parfitt will makeit to Singapore for our next Biennial or Arts Fest. Stunning!”
“What fantastic paintings Cyril has tentatively produced!”